Do we need them at all?
No matter how healthy we try to eat, our food simply doesn’t contain as many nutrients as it used to. Or when you pick or grow them yourself. The more aware we ourselves became of our diet and the nutrients we need to really shine, the more often food supplements appeared in sight. We want to get as many nutrients as possible through our diet, which is why we have created the Your 50 Days of Green Happiness program. But we also realize that good nutritional supplements are a very valuable addition. Specific complaints? In both books we give suggestions and advice which foods and supplements could help.
Many supplements were reviewed during our orthomolecular training. Which brand is the best? Our teacher did not want to say too much about that. Go and investigate yourself, he said. We did learn which forms of vitamins are best absorbed, why manufacturers sometimes prefer synthetically over natural and what else can be in there besides nutrients. In the end, we developed our own critical criteria for nutritional supplementation.
We know that:
- Synthetic vitamins are cheaper than whole food ones;
- Synthetic vitamins are more compact than whole plants;
- Expensive supplements are by no means always better (or even different) nutrients than cheaper ones;
- A plant contains countless more substances than just the selected vitamins that are sold separately as a supplement;
- You cannot take too much of water-soluble vitamins, because too much leaves your body through urine. Fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins D, A, E) do not. Follow the instructions on the package and ask your therapist / doctor.
We pay attention to this when we buy a supplement:
- 100% plantbased. Why? A plant contains more than an individual (synthetic) vitamin. The antioxidant effect of vitamin C from acerola berries is many times stronger than just loose vitamin C due to the synergistic effect with all other substances in the plant. Nature knows best.
- No synthetic vitamins / minerals. Why, when you can also get a natural variant? Synthetic substances are a burden on your liver more quickly, cause it has to collect and detox everything again.
- Plants before animal. Why unnecessary animal suffering? Animals get their vitamins through the plants, closer to the source. So we can too.
- Price: more expensive is not always better! Sometimes you just pay for the brand. What influences the price? Synthetic vs natural. So sometimes more expensive is definitely better.
What brands do we use?
We take the Lifelong Vitality supplements from doTERRA. There is an omega fatty acid supplement made from algae, a vitamin and mineral supplement. All pure plants with extra antioxidants, enzymes and essential oils. We also use Pronofit’s vitamin B12 nasal spray.
Finally: never blindly follow advice. Every body is different! Try it out, feel if it works for you. Do not throw away a lot of money on unnecessary supplements. We now only use the Lilfelong Vitality (LLV) supplements and B12 nasal spray, that is sufficient. We notice that this works and we like that you can test the LLV for 30 days for free, if you feel nothing, just send it back. That’s the way it always should be, right?