Your Daily Portion of Happiness

Green Happiness is your expertly blended green juice powder, making daily nutritional health care effortless for you.


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Essential oils to beat the flu or a cold

Support your immune system naturally

You probably already know that a healthy diet can do a lot to increase your immunity. But it’s not like you won’t ever get sick when you eat healthy. What you cán notice is that you might have the flu less often, won’t get a cold as quickly and that your recovery time is shorter when you take some extra rest. How to do that? Read our 3-step beat the flu plan here!

Essential oils

This blog is about essential oils. We have noticed that those can make a huge difference with just a few drops! When Merel her son was just a baby and went to daycare for the first time, he always came home sick after a few days. After which the rest of the family lay in bed one by one with a big flu. This went on for months in a row. Tessa thought she could handle it. After all, she slept well, ate healthy and took her green smoothie and nutritional supplements every day. Well, don’t think so. A day of babysitting resulted in the worst flu in years!

Until … we met the essential oils from DoTERRA! And without making this a miracle story, fact is that since Merel started using the oils in her family, the family has not been so sick anymore when her son got home with the sniffles.

Oil to boost your immunity

The oil blend that you want for this is OnGuard. This one we love when we feel anything in our throat or feel like something is coming up.

Works on: disinfecting and strengthening for the immune system

Application: Take 1-3 drops internally, put some behind the ears and under your feet. Evaporate 1-3 drops in the diffuser.

OnGuard is a spicy blend of Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Rosemary and Eucalyptus. You can also put a drop in your oatmeal or make a latte with it. You can find a recipe for rawnola and snack balls with OnGuard here. One of my favorite ways is to add OnGuard to (warm) apples with cinnamon. You can use that as a topping for your pancakes for example…

Get well soon – blend

Feel like something is coming up and your immune system can use a boost? This blend is your rescue! This is a home-made blend of different oils that work together.

Blend FLU bomb:
– 4 drops Lemon
– 2 drops Melaleuca
– 2 drops On Guard
– 2 drops Frankincense
– 2 drops Oregano

Application: Take internally via a spoonful of honey or veggie capsule (the taste is quite strong). Massage the oils (combined with coconut oil) under your feet and/or put the blend in the diffuser.

You do not use this blend daily, but really if your immunity is low. You can take a capsule several times a day and put the oil under your feet. And / or turn on the diffuser. I often fill a larger bottle with a pipette that I get from or In it I make several portions so that I can easily use it over and over again.

You cannot just take every brand of essential oils. The oil is not always 100% pure. We therefore only work with DoTERRA oils. Every batch goes through a quality check that you can find here and have the CPTG quality mark.

Warning: for children, you want to dilute the oil with a carrier oil (eg coconut oil) before you apply it! And use a lower dose.

Strengthen your overall health

In addition to a healthy diet, we use nutritional supplements. Simply because at this time our diet no longer contains the amount of nutrients that our body really needs. Instead of dozens of jars in the cupboard, we now only have three. The LifeLong Vitality pack (LLV) from DoTERRA are by far the best supplements that we know. You really feel the difference when you use it (and I never really felt that with other supplements). The LifeLong Vitality supplements are purely plant-based and without synthetic vitamins. You get it all; essential omega fatty acids from algae, vitamins, minerals, enzymes that help with digestion, antioxidants and thirteen different essential oils. Very nice to take to build up your immunity and nourish your body at a cellular level. The healthier your cells, the better they can get nutrients from food and other essential oils.

Wanna learn more about essential oils? Come to a free introduction workshop, send us an e-mail or have a look over here.

Bestel Green Happiness

Vitamins, minerals, good bacteria, and whole food sourced ingredients in one convenient daily serving. One scoop, 250–350 ml of cold water. Once a day, every day.

Eénmalige aankoop

€ 79,00
€ 2,33 per portie / day


€ 59,00
€ 1,96 per portie / dag
Information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice from your physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. Carefully read all product documentation. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your regular health care provider.

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