Your Daily Portion of Happiness

Green Happiness is your expertly blended green juice powder, making daily nutritional health care effortless for you.


Gluten free

High in fibre

Soy free

Creamy Broccoli Soup

Ready super fast and extra creamy

A creamy soup, without cream. How is that possible? To this soup, we add cashew nuts. You can boil them briefly at the end and then blend everything into a creamy soup. Cashews contain almost all B-vitamins, which are important for muscle growth, among other things. But also vitamin E (antioxidant) and vitamin K, important for blood clotting.

Serve with…

This soup can be perfectly eaten as lunch or dinner. It’s delicious to serve with a slice of sourdough bread or this airy gluten-free bread. Or roast some potatoes or sweet potatoes in the oven. Instead of mayonnaise, I like to dip them in hummus. You can find a recipe for homemade hummus here.

Romige Broccoli soep

Ready super fast and extra creamy A creamy soup, without cream. How is that possible? To this soup, we add cashew nuts. You can boil them briefly at the end and then blend everything into a creamy soup. Cashews contain almost all B-vitamins, which are important for muscle growth, among other things. But also vitamin […] Recepten soep, plantaardig, groente European Print This
Serves: 4 Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1|1 voted )


  • 1 tl kokosolie⁠
  • 1 ui⁠
  • 2 teentjes knoflook⁠
  • 1 broccoli⁠
  • 1 courgette⁠
  • 1 blokje groentebouillon⁠
  • 750 ml water⁠
  • 75 g ongebrande cashewnoten⁠
  • snufje zwarte peper⁠
  • handje pompoenpitten ter garnerning⁠


1. Verwarm de kokosolie in een grote pan.⁠ 2. Snijd de ui en knoflook fijn. Fruit deze ongeveer 2 minuten in de kokosolie.⁠ 3. Snijd de courgette en broccoli in stukken. Voeg deze toe aan de pan. Roer 2 minuten goed door.⁠ 4. Voeg vervolgens de groentebouillon en het water toe. Breng aan de kook en laat ongeveer 8 minuten zachtjes pruttelen.⁠ 5. Voeg de laatste paar minuten de cashewnoten toe.⁠ 6. Laat de soep even afkoelen. Maal dan fijn in een stevige blender.⁠ 7. Breng op smaak met wat zwarte peper en garneer met de pompoenpitten.⁠ ⁠ Lekker met geroosterde aardappeltjes of een snee zuurdesembrood.⁠

Bestel Green Happiness

Vitamins, minerals, good bacteria, and whole food sourced ingredients in one convenient daily serving. One scoop, 250–350 ml of cold water. Once a day, every day.

Eénmalige aankoop

€ 79,00
€ 2,33 per portie / day


€ 59,00
€ 1,96 per portie / dag
Information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice from your physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. Carefully read all product documentation. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your regular health care provider.

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